Being as Topos

Richard JelusichBlog

I have been blessed to be able to do this work of a spiritual nature for more than 35 years now as a spiritual counselor, and as an energy medicine teacher and practitioner. One of the things my research has revealed is that we all radiate the quality of our being.  For instance, did you ever meet someone for the first time and you wanted to back up 10 steps, or conversely did you meet someone for the first time and you just felt like you could give them a big old hug?

This quality that we radiate comes from the level of the soul into this dimension and you and I radiate that quality ceaselessly 24/7 because it’s not something that is limited to space or time. That in itself can be very confusing and yet to me this is exactly how it works.

“Being as Topos” is a way of expressing the level of spiritual awareness that each person achieves. The word “Topos” means level like a topological map. When you look at such a map you can see the various elevations displayed very clearly showing the height and the depth of the terrain.

In a similar way you and I all radiate this “Topos” or level of our spiritual awareness at all times and all of us take a psychic relationship to each other long before the mind ever thinks a single thought. Unfortunately, in many of our cultures we are not taught that this is how it works nor are we taught how to develop more intuitive faculties.

This is also very interesting because our intuition is functioning 24/7 whether we’re consciously employing it or not. And yet, the intuition, when developed starts to see things more as they are than as they appear to be and as a tremendous faculty for guiding us more flawlessly upon our own inner path.

“Being as Topos” is also a way of understanding why we’re attracted to men and women who have achieved a very high state of spiritual awareness because internally we all yearn to let go of the illusion of separation or duality.

I know that on average, most people are not aware of this spiritual aspect of the whole human being and yet this is where the subject of integral health is meant to be a spiritual form of functional medicine where we get to the root of what causes our infirmities.

Understanding that we truly are spirits who are having a physical existence and that we really do radiate a level of the quality of our spiritual awareness goes a long way to also comprehending why we attract the certain people into our lives that we do.  If you truly understood why certain people have appeared in your life, would it not help you to form a much better response to whatever the interaction may be?

If you knew the level of spiritual awareness that you radiate causes this intersubjective process of relationships with others, it would help you to further focus on why your path is evolving and the way that it is.

Allow yourself to be attracted to those people who radiate a very high quality of spiritual achievement and the development of their moral and ethical character. When you do so, it has an overshadowing effect that benefits you as you take this psychic relationship to what they’ve chosen to represent in this lifetime for their spiritual achievements. On a subtle energetic level, you are aligning yourself with those higher spiritual achievements and benefiting in a myriad of ways that will gently unfold and integrate as you progress on your path.


Dr. Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.