Giving Back to Community

Dr. Jelusich has for years given back to the community through Full-Moon Meditations, FREE events and Subtle Energy Healing Sessions in various cities and countries. These events are free though they do cost us to host. Giving Back to Community Donations are gladly accepted to help pay for Zoom and Materials needed to provide this service.

Giving back to Community Donations for Special Classes and Events can be made here:
A $20 Donation for Monday Night Events and Full Moon Meditations

Register and Support On-line Events: Workshops, Integrative Chakra Therapy® Intro and other workshops Donation of $25
As part of his vision and dream to help all individuals grow to understand their fullest Spiritual Potential we have set up a Support a Student: Scholarship Fund. These funds are strictly to help those individuals who wish to take the program but for what ever reason are struggling to find the finances to attend. Please take a moment and see if you can spare a small Donation of $20 in support of a student
Many blessings and Thank You from all of us a Light News.