Dr. Jelusich’s Books & CDs
Walk through the portal of knowledge…. Browse Dr Jelusich’s teachings. Read some excerpts and purchase your favorite Light News products

I CAN RELATE – How we intuitively choose the people in our lives
How do we relate to others? What is the process by which we bring people into our lives who are the reflections of our inner desires for balance? Is it merely by chance, or is there some aspect that ensures everyone we meet is in some way a reflection of God, and of our Selves? Is there more to it than merely making our way through life with what we know?
Click Here to Purchase I Can Relate Paperback
Once ordered please send Deirdre a note as to where the book is to be shipped to and phone number for best contact. *Price includes taxes and shipping charges total: $32 US funds.

Puedo Relacionar (Spanish Edition)
Este revolucionario libro le da la RESPUESTA – y mucho mas. Usted aprendera… • Como el 95% de toda comunicación no es verbal ni física…es energía. • Sus centros energéticos llamados chacras, y su poderoso efecto sobre todo aspecto de su vida. • Que todos tenemos una chacra dominante – y como determinar cual es la suya. • Porque engendramos relaciones con personas de ciertas chacras dominantes. • A entender y mejorar sus relaciones, especialmente las intimas.

Crystal Bowls of Tibet CD
Healing Sounds for Mind, Body, and Spirit
Can purchase directly from Light News here:
*Once ordered please contact Deirdre with shipping address and current phone contact. Price includes taxes and shipping $24.00 US