Dr Richard Jelusich ,Glenmore Reservoir, Calgary Alberta Canada

Dr. Richard Jelusich is available for speaking engagements on Spirituality and Metaphysics.

Some of the introductory events Light News offers are free to organizations whose work is in developing human potential, spiritual growth and healing.

In this way, the people in fields such as medical, acupuncture, nursing and massage schools are exposed to an understanding of “The Whole Human Being” in the comfort of their own setting.

It is our desire to offer this information to benefit those students and professionals who have dedicated their lives to help and be of service to others.

“Light News” was developed in 1992 as a vehicle to provide two main tenets:
1.    To self-empower the individual
2.   To take the mystery out of metaphysics

This spiritual vehicle now has encompassed a website, books, CDs, a radio program, newsletter and blogs, lectures and workshops, and a 2 ½ year program Integrative Chakra Therapy®; training individuals in subtle energy work at the level of the chakras. Light News is now established in two countries with Northern Light News Inc., Canada and Light News Institute Inc., the United States of America.

It is necessary in this age to be a benefit to society, to help develop a spiritually awakened Global Human Society, by offerings teachings and philosophy of the spiritual nature of the whole human being founded on practical, scientific and esoteric principles.  By learning of the true nature of the human being as an illuminated spirit who also has a physical embodiment, we understand our intricate connectedness to all nature.  We learn that there is no separation, and thus all love, wisdom and will are innate within us.

To that effect, Light News blends metaphysics and science in order to help us understand our spiritual nature in a grounded manner.  There are over 500 scientific studies proving human consciousness affects biological and electrical systems.  This scientific knowledge helps to ‘poke holes in the teacup’ as the Japanese saying goes.  That is, our foundational beliefs in the structure of our universe are being reassessed in the light of new knowledge.

And to push that further, true awareness in consciousness is available to those who develop their chakras and intuition, especially through the exercise of faith.  Faith is trusting with your heart what your mind cannot yet know.

When a person arises in consciousness to higher states of awareness, their perceptions and perspective shift as well to a much higher level.  There is appreciation for the connectedness of all things, a beneficence of understanding on a much deeper level, and a desire to reach even higher states of awareness.  The effect is to overcome the illusion of separation, our primary problem in lack of knowledge of our true spiritual nature.  And while science has made many proofs of this, there still is the inner work through faith that yields true spiritual growth.  This level of awareness helps a person to live a more fulfilling and productive life, to see things more as they are, and to represent that level of awareness to all whom they interact.

Light News as a concept or vehicle of teaching continues to grow through offering distance learning courses, creating ‘brick and mortar’ schools of learning, empowering people through their own inner growth, and reaching globally to help develop spiritually awakened men and women.

Dr. Jelusich has been helping to profoundly heal and empower individuals for more than twenty years. Lectures offered to the business community are down to earth and experiential, flowing with ancient knowledge and current scientific facts.

We are very pleased to announce that Dr. Richard Jelusich is offering free lectures to the business community on the subject of holistic healing.

Through his workshops, Dr. Jelusich assists in developing individuals’ patterns so that they can:

  • Feel the freedom of changing their life’s perceptions
  • Connect more deeply with their natural intuitive gifts
  • Improve their relationships through understanding themselves and others better
  • Recognize and use keys for remaining in harmony and balance amidst the rapidly unfolding dramatics of our time

Lectures can be tailored to best fit the needs and interests of your employees/clientele. Topics include:

  • The Human Biofield
  • Working with Subtle Energies
  • Anatomy of the Chakras
  • Subtle Energy Healing/ Balancing for the Whole Human Being
  • Karma and Reincarnation
  • Energetic Balancing
  • Introduction to Spirituality
  • Family and Relationships
  • Wheels of Life – Yugas of Time
Where’s Dr. J This Month?

october, 2024

Full Calendar of Events

Dr Richard Jelusich during a speaking engagement
Participants enjoying a speaking engagement by Dr. Richard Jelusich
Dr Richard Jelusich performing energy work on a speaking engagement participant

We invite you to take advantage of this offer to host Dr. Jelusich by calling 1-877-242-5721 or fill out our contact form below to book your complimentary lecture/workshop.
“I first met Rev. Dr. Richard Jelusich at a Phoenix Phyre Bookstore’s psychic faire in Southern California. With absolute certainty, and with respect, he stated information about my core essence, and conducted palpable healing energy. Subsequent consultations provided accurate readings of situations with their underlying currents, providing clarity by stripping away extraneous concerns to reveal “the bottom line.” Rick is quite direct and concise — what he sees is what he says.”