Full Moon Meditation Charity Evenings
Dr. Jelusich enjoys creating and sharing guided meditations full of imagery uplifting to the spirit within his Full Moon Meditations. Throughout each new Full Moon Meditation the sound and message which emerges is unique to the energy of the people in the group attending; a celebration of your presence as a luminous being of light.
Come celebrate your unique divinity.
During this powerful time of Lunar movement you are offered an opportunity to completely relax as Dr. Jelusich creates a vehicle for a totally beneficial and uplifting group transcendence experience. Within the Full Moon Meditation (approximately 35 minutes in length) through deeply moving and connected guided imagery, Dr. Jelusich connects you with joyful feelings of hope, love and universal perfection, balancing and supporting the energies of the group attending.
Beautiful imagery full of evocative reminders of your perfection and naturally accepting the gifts of your divinity celebrates the purity of your existence as a luminous being of light (currently experiencing a physical body), and continues connecting you to the perfection of nature, and to your divine oneness.
The amazing recorded music of Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, D.C., B.F.A., the world’s premier Sound Healing Researcher, and Brainwave Entrainment Expert, often is used as the background and basic healing under structure of the Full Moon Meditations.
Powerfully experiential guided imagery meditation and messages:
- Celebrate the powerful Lunar and Solar cycles of our universe;
- Acknowledge and celebrate of the true divinity of your own spiritual presence;
- Dr. Jelusich helps hold a high spiritual focus for the group experience;
- Attendees say Full Moon Meditations are empowering and wonderfully uplifting to the spirit;
- Share gratitude for being in service – after costs, 100% of donations from Full Moon Mediations support local charities: St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, in San Diego or Hospice Calgary, in Calgary.
After the guided imagery meditation there will be a message or a talk; followed by a question and answer period. Come in comfortable clothing with water bottle/pillow/blanket to enjoy the peace and harmony of the gentle, yet powerful guided meditation designed for increasing healing, connection and awareness in the individuals attending.
Dr. Jelusich consistently donates his time for these meditation evenings with the proceeds going to charity.
Bring a friend and share the relaxation.
A ‘Love Donation’ is requested, to support the stated Charity of the evening.

These meditations are very popular. Dr. Jelusich will hold them monthly, and will also hold meditations when he is traveling to various cities. Consult the online calendar to find the next meditation.
Meditations are usually followed by a short break. Dr. Jelusich usually gives a short lecture or inspirational message to the group.
Wear comfortable clothing.
The meditation we held in Vancouver, supporting alternative healthcare in Canada, had over 132 people in attendance.
Check Calendar listings for my next presentations.
Please feel welcome to call or email us to arrange a workshop for your group or organization.