Dominant Chakras

Richard JelusichBlog

Dominant Chakra theory is something I’ve been developing through my research and spiritual consultations/energy medicine for more than 30 years.

I was recently interviewed by Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove on the subject of Psychology of the Chakras on his popular YouTube channel New Thinking Allowed.   Since the late 1980’s, I’ve been fascinated with the chakras as to how we even exist here, and that passion had flourished towards publishing two books on the subject, Eye of the Lotus: Psychology of the Chakras, and I Can Relate; how we intuitively choose the people in lives.  That also led to creating a school of energy medicine, Integrative Chakra Therapy, radio shows , workshops, lectures and much more.

Dominant Chakras: as a medical intuitive and energy medicine practitioner and teacher for over 30 years, I found that the chakras are not just centers of energy as is popularly believed, but rather centers of consciousness between dimensions of reality!  In thousands of spiritual consultations and research I found that each chakra has intuitive abilities, active in all people. 

I also found that one chakra was usually more dominant or prominent than the other six.  It is much like being right-handed.  There is nothing wrong with the non-dominant hand; the right hand is just used for more things more often than the left hand.

A dominant chakra, say the heart chakra, would cause a person to “see” life more through that chakra as an empath, though all chakras are functioning.  That is, each chakra has one or more native intuitive faculties.  The main intuitive faculty of the heart (anahata) chakra is empathy.  Therefore, a person who is more heart chakra dominant will tend to perceive and stand in perspective to reality more as an empath than any other faculty.

Each chakra affects the Whole Human Being (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual).  I found that helping people to understand their dominant influences really facilitated much inner healing and understanding of their life’s challenges and possibilities.

Imagine if your heart chakra is more dominant than the others, and you go through life as more of an empath than any other intuitive quality.  Though all the chakras are open (chakras are never closed or blocked, but they can be strong, weak and other descriptive terms in my training of practitioners) and functioning constantly, one chakra will tend to be the major influencer of how one perceives and reacts to life’s living.  That said, I have found many people that do not recognize their intuitive abilities are innate and active all the time.  That is, in most people the intuitive faculties are not cultivated.

When one learns the tools of how to recognize (there is a check list to help determine one’s dominant chakra in I Can Relate) their dominant chakra, there is a significant self-empowerment that takes place.  When one learns why they perceive things the way they do, that can alter the response to any given situation and help break up and dissolve limiting beliefs, fears and karmas.


Dr. Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.