2022thu10nov6:00 pmthu8:00 pmNovember 10th Healers CircleMonthly Event in Support of Graduates and Students of ICT

Event Details

Dear Students and Graduates of Dr. Jelusich’s: Healers Training of the Whole Human Being or (new) Integrative Chakra Therapy® program, we are pleased to offer an evening where you as a community can come together and discuss, ask questions or comment on your practice and workings with ICT. Offering an opportunity to go deeper into your life experiences and observations. If time permits a practice session will also be facilitated.

Please take the time to RSVP your attendance to either Bev, Dr. Jelusich or Deirdre

This event is only for students and graduates not open to the general public.

A Zoom link will be provided with RSVP.

Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm PT


(Thursday) 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-08:00) View in my time

Dr. Richard Jelusich is not a medical physician. Information provided by Dr. Jelusich is not meant to replace any formal medical care you may require.

An International Institute for Complimentary Therapists Member

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