How Our Elevated Spirit Affects Others

Richard JelusichBlog

Everything is energy and vibration.  We are fortunate to live in a time where our collective awareness is embracing the reality of what is called our “non-dual” nature.  That is, we live in a oneness, not bound by space and time and yet also have a physical presence that does exist in space and time.  Very paradoxical, but easier if we think about this nature as two sides of the same coin.

We have what is called a “biofield” (I still love the term “aura”) that radiates a quality of the true essence of our being though it is not a physical, radiatory quality.  It is subtle energy composed of the chakra system and other subtle energy components, beyond space/time.  In terms of Integral Health (mind-body-spirit), that radiant essence of our being, the “biofield,” is what anchors our physical presence in space time.

We are unique and timeless?  Yes!  That uniqueness is not just our physical presence.  Much like the flowers of the field or fruit trees, each of us has a distinct essence, fragrance or fruit that blooms throughout our lifetime not just to the constellation of our relationships, but to all creation. 

We are here to be unique and to flourish like the plants and trees, and like the plants and trees, all beings give off an “energetic” fragrance of our being.  This radiatory quality is who we really are and cannot be easily measured or quantified, but exists, nonetheless.   Have you met someone for the first time and felt immediately drawn or repulsed?  Our intuitive faculties are constantly reading others and our environment.

Too, the emanation of our biofield’s subtle energy is also having an effect (influencing) on all others around us and our environment.  Our biofield radiates the essence of our being everywhere ceaselessly, and we all feel/respond to each other’s field, whether aware of it or not.  Whether fragrance or fruit, it is in our best interest to continually improve our mind-body-spirit health, and that affects all around us!

Think about how self-realizing your true nature by embracing Integral Health improves not just your live and living, but also the possibility of positively influencing, in a subtle manner, all creation!

Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda and other sages have taught how increasing our subtle energy vibrations radiates out to all creation, but did you know that it also increases our intuitive faculties?  How would you like to see things more as they are than as they appear to be!

Though science has made incredible advances indirectly showing the existence of the human biofield and understanding its intricacies with our energy and physical bodies, it is also limited.  That is, science can tell you a lot about the orange’s composition but cannot tell you what it tastes like!   This is where becoming acutely aware of how powerful our biofield is, that it radiates to all creation.

Can you imagine focusing on elevating the understanding, comprehension and strengthening our spiritual awareness through our biofield can powerfully affect the perception of ourselves and the elevation of that spiritual effect on others?

As Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869–1948) said; “Be the change you wish to seek in the world.”  Can you consider how powerful your biofield must be to extend to all creation!  And why it is so important to elevate all parts of your being?  If you are truly in service to others, elevate yourself!  Albert Einstein said: “Only a life lived for others is worthwhile.”

Trained energy medicine and energy psychology practitioners can read the quality of the biofield and determine core issues that relate to trials, tribulations and traumas.  The biofield affects the four archetypes of the whole human being; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  Having perceived them accurately, practitioners using higher sense-perceptions can then facilitate healing on the deepest of levels.

Most importantly, any real Integral Practitioner is always focused on your self-empowerment, offering tools and techniques to elevate your spiritual nature.  They know that by doing so, you are even more powerful in leading a meaningful and productive life, while the emanation of the subtle energy of your biofield affects all around you!

I am giving a FREE lecture on this topic on Tuesday, August 13, at 6pm.


Dr. Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.