The Fruits of Your Labor

Richard JelusichBlog

We live in a fast-paced, rapidly accelerating culture, and the challenge of Social Media (SM) is that we are bombarded with comparative living.  Comparing ourselves to others is one of the worst things you can do, as you are an individuated, unique being.  You are here to enjoy the fruits of your labors!  It is difficult to maintain that uniqueness when so much of our advertising and methods of communicating are based on selling techniques like “fear of loss” (hurry on down, quantities limited, etc.).

But that is precisely what you are here to do; to enjoy those fruits.  We are here to live meaningful and productive lives, feeling that our beingness and what we do have relevance.  Our deepest desires include recognition for those labors, and though we should not live for that, I’ve never met anyone who didn’t enjoy to receive a complement or recognition!

Ask yourself, are you doing what you love?  Are you living your passion?  If not, why not?  And I don’t mean to write glibly; we have obligations and responsibilitys that must be attended to.  But ask your heart if you are doing in this lifetime what you came to do? 

I have found, speaking spiritually, that when we truly do what we love and add value to it, the universe enfolds itself around us to help further that passion.  We have to be open to receive as well as to give.  An adjunct to that that we are still learning is it’s better to want what you need than to need what you want.

That is, doing what you love builds your character in a lifetime.  We must be open to receive from others in an equal balance, an equanimity.  In this life adding value to that offers you self-esteem and self-validation, fostering the ability to receive a part of that which you create, especially when it is for others.

But it also means surrendering to receive in life what you need rather than what you want when it comes to matters of one’s spirituality.  This can seem confusing, but it is not.

When your labors are particularly in service to others, please remember to add value to your ability to receive as you create.  Louise Hay is known for her teachings on self-love and positive affirmations.  She often emphasized the importance of self-care and self-love as a foundation for being able to love and care for others.

When it comes to the fruits of your labors in this life in an integral way (mind-body-spirit), the spiritual aspect of your life will always offer you what you need, if you are willing to be open to receiving it!  That inner power is yours and is always available if your labors are rewarded through self-love and self-realization!

Enjoy the fruits of your labors.  We are here to be happy and fulfilled.  As you apply the simple ideas above, your presence in the world can inspire others to live their passion and accept value for themselves, both as unique individuals and as seekers.


Dr. Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.