The Secret Life of Plants

Richard JelusichBlog

Integral Health and Wellness includes an understanding of our interaction and connection with all life.  There are basically five kingdoms on our beloved Earth: mineral, plant, animal, deva (nature spirits) and human.

Many of us have house plants, plants in our yard and are surrounded by an incredible variety of plant life from grass to sequoia trees towering over 300 feet tall.  Do plants respond to you and I?

Cleve Backster wrote Primary Perception: Biocommunication with Plants, Living Foods, and Human Cells  and whose research was presented in the book “The Secret Life of Plants” by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird.  He was an expert in the use of the polygraph (used in lie detection).  He experimentally connected plants to the device to observe electrical responses in plant life and other organisms.  Here is a lovely YouTube video on Primary Perception.

In one such experiment, plants in a greenhouse were connected to the polygraph, measuring a baseline electrical output for a control.  A researcher came into the greenhouse, selected one plant and hacked it to pieces.  The rest of the plants registered an alarm response.  Most interestingly, when this individual came back into the room later, the plants again registered the alarm response!  Something was happening between the plants and that person!

I recently wrote a blog “How Our Elevated Spirit Affects Others” in which I detailed how our human energy field (human biofield) radiates the unique essence of our being to all our relations on the level of subtle energy (not physical energy, but beyond time/space).  Is it really a stretch to think that the same ongoing interaction on a subtle level applies to plants, animals, cells and so on?

Integral Health embraces the mind-body-spirit model, where you and I are connected to all things including the five kingdoms of Earth.  With this in mind, we are in constant interaction with our environment.  Continuing scientific experiments have shown that our intentions are “felt” by plants, good or not so good and that this extends to our cells as well!

David Wilcock, author of several books including “The Source Field Investigations,” made a great YouTube video featuring Backster’s work and how all nature is in a constant “Conversation.”  Included in his book are many scientific references citing these effects on various life forms, based on our intentions!  This research on our interaction with forms of life extends to our cells and DNA!

There is a great researcher into the interaction of humans and plants and the “music” they make, Teresa Helgeson, whose website is Plant Music Therapy.  I met Teresa years ago and she had developed a device that connects to plants, where the plant’s electrical pulses were converted to “music.”  You could sit and meditate with the plant and the musical signature would change audibly during meditation as you connect with the plant.  Do you think the interaction between you and the plant is both ways?  Here is one of her videos, “Music of Plants – how it works.”  She has several recordings, of which I have one of her recordings “Flowers and Fairies.”  It is delightful.

Today, you can buy devices like Teresa’s that you can connect to your plants, hear their “music” and interact with them.  It’s a great way to meditate and come to higher realizations of the connectedness of the five kingdoms and frankly ALL life.

It is important to note that researchers are showing what already exists: this sublime, eloquent interconnection among all life.  There are many more experiments showing the connection between different life forms; also how the power of our intention affects those life forms!  Next time you are with your house plants or garden and trees, regard them as sentient beings and give them your love.  Be in stillness and consider the beauty your connectedness to all things.


Dr. Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.