To Be Acknowledged

Richard JelusichBlog

How do we go through the living of our life?  Has someone approached you and offered a recognition or a compliment?  How did you receive it?

On some deep level of our being, we all seek recognition and desire to be “seen.”  And of course, on some deep level we all desire approval and recognition.  Though the spiritual teachers say you’ve no need for outside validation, I’ve never met anyone who did not appreciate being acknowledged or receiving a compliment.  Even one of my main teachers, Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, when being acknowledged would say “thank you.”  And of course took a moment to let it sink in and he meant it!

When the psychology of our being is studied, elements like living a meaningful, relevant and productive life are at the top of the list.  We want to know that who we are and what we do has relevance and meaning.  We do (I certainly know I do!) want to have a feeling that our life and living is productive and gives a measure of inner satisfaction that we are doing that which we came to do.

I’ve been teaching energy medicine and energy psychology for over 24 years (Integrative Chakra Therapy®) and have many students and graduates (over 500) in the U.S. and Canada.  For the more than 40 groups of students I’ve taught, I’ve would tell them “Each day, find at least one person and tell them something you really like about them.”  How much did it cost you to offer that acknowledgement?  How do you imagine it made them feel to be acknowledged and recognized?  Can you imagine someone you know approaching you and saying the same in acknowledgment of you and their observations of your goodness, gifts, or demeanor and more?

Have you ever met or know someone, who in conversation you realize they really do “see” you?  They “get” you?  How does that make you feel? 

When someone is speaking with you, are you fully present and allowing yourself to see the person as they are and to focus on their good points?  Can you acknowledge them?

In Integral Health (mind-body-spirit), the practitioner is experienced in how to “see” the patient/client from a ”Whole Person” perspective and to facilitate their self-empowerment by continuously pointing them to their true potential.  It is much more than muscle manipulation, needle placement, words of encouragement, etc.  To me, 95% of all communication is not verbal nor physical, but takes place on a much more subtle, non-local level.

The practitioner has a more spiritual orientation to know that everything is frequency, energy and vibration.  They work towards you optimizing your health by seeing, observing and acknowledging your true potential and assisting you to be ever more aware of it!

What happens when someone acknowledges your strengths and helps to bring out the best in you?  You feel immensely better because you have been “seen!”

When someone acknowledges you, recognizes you, “sees” you, allow yourself to fully receive the blessings of the compliment.  It points to our own inner preciousness, uniqueness and the gifts that we offer to the world.  And perhaps you can find someone each day to say something you really like about them!


Dr. Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.