Your Strength is Your Weakness

Richard JelusichBlog

My work as a spiritual counselor and energy medicine practitioner/teacher for over 35 years has presented some interesting situations and revelations. In some cases when working with people, I’ve noted that their strength was their weakness and that their weakness was their strength, and at first blush it sounds a little bit unbelievable. Sometimes it was rather challenging to explain to the person how their very strength can be a source of weakness and vice versa.

As an example, years ago I worked with this fellow who was worth over $100 million and he would brag to me by saying: “There’s nothing I need, there’s nothing I want. I never need to walk into a bank again and today is the last day that I’m taking any heart medication.”

The attitude he had was meant to convey to me that because he had amassed a lot of money, thus material strength, that my services were relatively minor, irrelevant and what possible good could I do him because after all I was only a spiritual counselor and energy medicine practitioner. Perhaps to him, I was just entertainment as I had been recommended to him by my friends.

I told him about the nature of his heart chakra, its strength and weaknesses and how it affects a person’s character in a given lifetime. I also said that he could either apply some of the tools I was offering him or he would achieve a result that he did not like. I saw this clearly for him.

Sure enough, I heard from dear friends of mine that he passed away about seven months after he saw me. Now, what good is all that material wealth going to do for him? Nothing. Perhaps he never realized the real reason he called me into his life, out of the blue.

We have to be very careful that what we hold on to as our strength can actually be a weakness and what we perceive to be our weakness can actually be the source of great strength. Over the course of these many years, I have seen many examples of both situations in people.

Imagine how when we pray for strength in a given situation that we are quicky sent to the “chakra gym” in our weakness in order to build the spiritual muscles to gain that strength.

We are guaranteed to bring the people and situations into our life who represent the possibility for our further growth and self-empowerment, although there does not always seem to be a connection to the events and the energy conduit to access our core strength. Granted, we don’t always recognize it as such but to me in my many years of work this is exactly how it works.

Our chakras are the conduits, the two-way highways of consciousness that allow us access to our higher states of being. Contained within a situation of weakness (perhaps initiated by the seeds of karma in a given chakra) are the elements of our courage to face and dissolve that karma.

The next time you are honoring your strengths, be careful to be respectful so that that very strength does not become your weakness.

The next time you are in a position of weakness, know that the universe always provides the means, in some manner, to access your core strengths of character, which have always been there.

Dr. Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.