Celebrate Your Independence

Richard JelusichBlog

Independence is ingrained in our culture – the feeling of self-expression and uniqueness drives us.  As I said, there is always this urge. Humorously, I remember in the 1980’s men getting tattoos of barbed wire on their arms or legs.  There were so many men wearing these tattoos they no longer seemed unique!!

George Carlin, the acerbic comedian said about barbed wire tattoos; “Why don’t you put on the real thing and squeeze that sh*t on good and tight!”

Every age has its expression celebration and seems to want to own and embrace that identifying uniqueness, even if it is spread across that particular group.  I was watching a social media video with a woman sitting next to her daughter.  Mom would say her term for something, and her 9-year-old daughter would say the current term.  For example, when mom said “charm” the daughter said “riz” (cha-ris-ma)!  I’m sure you can look around today and observe similar phenomena, as it seems to be in every age.  We all are seeking to express some form of uniqueness.

The Buddhists say that you spend your whole life learning to be unique, only in the end to let it all go!

Wellness today embraces Integral Health (mind-body-spirit) because there is increasing realization of the dual nature of our true being.  The premise is that we have a physical existence and a simultaneous non-physical (spiritual or non-dual) existence.  That non-physical existence, in my parlance, is the astral dimension (the next dimension beyond this one, where there is no time or space but there is still uniqueness!  You have an astral body and mind.)  The paradox exists how we can be unique and at the same time be in oneness with all that is created and beyond creation!

We are here, each with amazing gifts, that are meant to be used in every incarnation.  I Corinthians 12-14 in the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible, concerning spiritual gifts states (my interpretation and I paraphrase): “you have all these spiritual gifts, which you are to use!  So don’t be ignorant and have faith that these spiritual gifts are real!  Go and use the gifts that you are born with!”

To be truly independent is to realize your dual nature, that there is much more to you than you realize through five-sense perceptions only.  That is what true Integral Wellness practitioners do; facilitate the externalization of your own inner gifts by helping you let go of attachments to limitations and useless beliefs.

In my own path of over 36 years of spiritual work, I’ve been able to help people to reach and live much deeper, fulfilling lives with greater awareness and broad understanding of their limitations and their inner spiritual abundance.  I’ve many testimonials from people who have given up infirmities and injuries and the key is that they healer themselves.  But I am only a conduit, nothing more.  I’ve externalized my unique abilities in this lifetime to help people self-empower and individuate their inner talents.

Integral practitioners do not heal; they are conduits who allow spiritual power to flow through them and you are basically healing yourself!  Calling forward your own independence from suffering!  That self-mastery is you calling into your life the healing of infirmities by co-creating the suitable practitioner!

Celebrate your independence, while self-realizing the oneness in which we exist!


Dr. Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.