Although I have always (since the late ‘80’s) enjoyed the term “aura” the scientific community (The National Institutes of Health (NIH)) coined the term “biofield” in 1992. The term was a more innocuous scientific expression to describe the central organizing …
Entering into the Sixth Sun
I have been fascinated with the Mayan Culture since the early 1990’s. My journey began by studying the work of Carl Johan Calleman, John Major Jenkins, David Pinchbeck and Barbara Hand Clow. I met a wonderful journeyer to the land …
New Thinking Allowed
“New Thinking Allowed” is an organization founded by parapsychologist Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. He hosts a YouTube channel that holds conversations with the leading edge of knowledge and discovery. Dr. Mishlove, years ago, had a similar TV series called “Thinking Allowed” …
Inner Focus – Outer Flexibility
We are experiencing an era of rapid change and many unsettling events. With the expansion of social media and artificial intelligence (AI), it can seem beleaguering as to what to believe. Although with the expansion of independent contributions to our …
The Safety Way
I have been an energy medicine teacher/practitioner for over 30 years, with over 500 students and graduates in the U.S. and Canada in my Integrative Chakra Therapy® (ICT) course of subtle energy training for the whole human being. In …
Celebrate Your Independence
Independence is ingrained in our culture – the feeling of self-expression and uniqueness drives us. As I said, there is always this urge. Humorously, I remember in the 1980’s men getting tattoos of barbed wire on their arms or legs. …