Inner Focus – Outer Flexibility

Richard JelusichBlog

We are experiencing an era of rapid change and many unsettling events.  With the expansion of social media and artificial intelligence (AI), it can seem beleaguering as to what to believe.  Although with the expansion of independent contributions to our information system, new perspectives are shifting the mainstream paradigm.

In the 1990’s, there was a mass return to fundamental religions because of so much outer uncertainties, as people were looking to adhere to fundamental beliefs for a sense of belonging, relevance and purpose.

Perhaps that is even more true today.  Inner Focus – Outer Flexibility is a way of maintaining a sense of stability within while remaining flexible to the world’s distractions and exigencies.

Picture the weeping willow tree.  A very stout tree with long, supple branches.  A strong wind comes along, and the waving branches move with the wind, allowing it to pass through them.  After the wind subsides, the branches gently resume their hanging beauty.

Maintaining a strong inner balance in Integral Health includes the three aspects: mind-body-spirit.  Training the mind through meditative practices hones the ability to maintain a calm disposition and to make informed decisions. 

Taking care of the body through good food choices and exercises strengthens the physical temple, making it less susceptible to stressors.

 Invoking a stronger spiritual understanding of our true nature awakens the ability to “see things as they are” instead of as they appear to be.  Perhaps this is where the changes in spiritual awareness create the real shifts in cognitive understanding of the world events transpiring.  To change the world, change yourself.  As Mahatma Gandhi said:  “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”             

Jiddu Krishnamurti, Indian philosopher and orator, said: “In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself.”

When Krishnamurti was pressed for his secrets, he finally responded “I don’t mind what happens.”

That is, there is a choice of responses to our environment.  To choose to remain inwardly focused, then  respond by remaining outwardly flexible is to allow the winds of challenges to pass through your branches and leaves, but not affecting the strong trunk of your being.

Inner Focus – Outer Flexibility is a practice, a process.  A process occurs over time, where each moment offers the opportunity to apply, to choose to be inwardly focused while remaining outwardly flexible.  Be like the pyramid, a very stable structure whose base is on solid foundation and stands the test of time.

And in every moment, there is a choice.  You have the power to choose, to take hold of the moment and remain in perfect point of balance while considering your response.

Maintain the mind-body-spirit in equal measure, perhaps with a bit more on the spiritual aspect, as spiritual practices raise the level of conscious awareness of self and environment.

Be the change you wish to see.  Make conscious choices in response to our evolving world.  Choose to be the willow tree!


Dr. Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.