“New Thinking Allowed” is an organization founded by parapsychologist Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. He hosts a YouTube channel that holds conversations with the leading edge of knowledge and discovery. Dr. Mishlove, years ago, had a similar TV series called “Thinking Allowed” and is the author of several books, one of which I have called “The Roots of Consciousness.”
Dr. Mishlove has interviewed many people on the cutting edge of consciousness studies, including the California Institute for Human Science (CIHS) past president, Dr. Thomas Brophy.
New Thinking Allowed is a great terminology for the era we are experiencing such rapid growth and changes. Our global human civilization has come further in the past 60 years than we have in the past 600! This age represents an opportunity to greatly expand our understanding of ourselves, beyond survival, towards higher inclusive awareness of the connectedness of all things.
Everything vibrates. Everything is made of energy. There is no truly solid matter. The power of our intention does affect the material and mental aspects of our lives.
These awarenesses, through deep spiritual experiences and promulgated by yogis and gurus are now being shown by science in evidence-based research to be true. As science confirms what the mystics revealed, we must alter our perceptions and perspectives to fit the facts! Hence, new thinking.
This age of our existence was indeed predicted by ancient cultures and sages that consciousness would expand beyond the knowledge provided by five-sense perception intellect alone. As there is a cacophony of change in our global human community, it is incumbent for Integral Health practitioners to be even more skilled at facilitating a higher order of awareness of our true being.
Albert Einstein said, “You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.” Integral Health is not only embracing mind-body-spirit as the wholistic approach to being, but that it encompasses ALL of our being. Today, you can observe the integral model in many venues: business, sport, academia, social planning, medicine, and many more. That is because it is a form of consciousness whose time has come, and its effects are systemic.
These phenomena are not just an outgrowth of progressive thought, it is a leap beyond into the true spiritual nature of the Whole Human Being (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual). Integral health practitioners offer insights into our true human nature through healing modalities that embrace there is more to you and I than a mere physical presence!
Certainly, in the whole of humanity, this understanding would be thought of as the stuff of science fiction a century ago.
Allow yourself “New Thinking!” Give yourself the opportunity to blossom and fruit to your real potential by exploring the offerings of real Integral Health!
Dr. Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.
Dr. Richard Jelusich is a gifted intuitive spiritual counselor/energy healer, author, teacher, experienced international speaker, and ordained minister. With over 34 years in the field of spirituality and the study of metaphysics, he now dedicates his life to those on a quest for self-empowerment through education, demystifying metaphysics and assisting individuals to honor their natural gifts and inner truths.