The Power of Choice; the power of the will to choose is much overlooked in today’s fast-paced, quick-results culture. Integral Health reminds us that we are mind-body-spirit, not just a body and a mind. We have evolved more into a …
Dominant Chakras
Dominant Chakra theory is something I’ve been developing through my research and spiritual consultations/energy medicine for more than 30 years. I was recently interviewed by Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove on the subject of Psychology of the Chakras on his popular YouTube …
To Be Acknowledged
How do we go through the living of our life? Has someone approached you and offered a recognition or a compliment? How did you receive it? On some deep level of our being, we all seek recognition and desire to …
The Secret Life of Plants
Integral Health and Wellness includes an understanding of our interaction and connection with all life. There are basically five kingdoms on our beloved Earth: mineral, plant, animal, deva (nature spirits) and human. Many of us have house plants, plants in …
New Thinking Allowed
“New Thinking Allowed” is an organization founded by parapsychologist Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. He hosts a YouTube channel that holds conversations with the leading edge of knowledge and discovery. Dr. Mishlove, years ago, had a similar TV series called “Thinking Allowed” …
Inner Focus – Outer Flexibility
We are experiencing an era of rapid change and many unsettling events. With the expansion of social media and artificial intelligence (AI), it can seem beleaguering as to what to believe. Although with the expansion of independent contributions to our …