“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” Albert Einstein
Peak Potential! It seems we are flooded with advertisements of “reaching your full potential,”
peak performance, live your best life, be the person you came here to be, and many more ways of expressing and externalizing inherent wisdom, skill sets, physical prowess and the many fruits of our uniqueness.
And it is good that we are, that there are many types of practitioners who are encouraging us to let go of limiting beliefs, poor life choices and lifestyles, health choices, habits and early traumas that have caused some to feel life is not what it could be.
Integral Health (mind-body-spirit) is about the merging and balance of these aspects of our being so that the human potential in all of us is realized in its fullness. The spiritual aspect (not religious) is that which peels away and unfolds the levels of illusion that cause separation from that fullness. Higher levels of consciousness is not the intellect itself, but measures of inner faith that pass beyond the flickering grasp of our minds towards that true essence of our being, that we all are.
Many sages have also encouraged us that there is absolute peace in the center of our being, that our true potential only needs be accessed from within, that the seeds of success are already securely within us, and we need only water them with spiritual focus and persistence.
Higher levels of consciousness then shed luminescence on our thinking processes that shift to higher levels of awareness not borne of intellect alone. As we develop and cultivate our inner spiritual awareness, our perceptions and perspectives shift away from attachment to limitations and beliefs. The mind and the body can then follow the higher perspectives. All three elements of our being are so important to be in balance.
From that standpoint, and from the teachings of many spiritually evolved men and women, everything we require (our true human potential) already exists within us. We’ve only to develop and cultivate that which we already are.
How do we know what that potential is? It certainly is something to strive for, and is there an “end” in sight? In the field of consciousness studies and non-duality, our spiritual nature exists paradoxically beyond the grasp of time and space, but still expresses uniqueness. This is what the realized yogis and gurus have been telling us. The human body appears to have limits, the spirit does not.
And yet, here we are, spirit and body – two sides of the same coin. It can be difficult for us to reconcile but the amazing grace is that we ARE that, there is only the persistence to reveal that which we already are.
Integral Health seeks to facilitate that inner growth, though the spiritual aspect is least known and least understood yet vital to surpassing perceived limitations. Seeking qualified practitioners who themselves have experienced inner growth will help to facilitate those fruits of our true potential through self-empowerment.
Integral Health seeks to combine the essence of Eastern and Western philosophy into a model of health, encouraging inner awareness and self-realization.
It is nothing new. Eastern philosophy and medicine have existed for thousands of years. There are so many fruits to ripen as we because aware of them, but it is that they ALREADY exist. We’ve only to become aware of that which already is. Western philosophy of science is embracing and researching the Eastern philosophy of spiritual awareness and healing, including energy medicine and energy psychology as well as the more common acupuncture and Traditional Oriental Medicine (TCM).
Circulation of Light
Here is a simple exercise that is centuries old, that helps emphasize circulation through ALL Chakra Centers for Balance and Integration.
(Email [email protected] for the full exercise)
For this exercise, you will divide the breath into four parts:
- Inbreath
- Hold
- Outbreath
- Hold
It does not matter how long you breathe or hold your breath, only that you consciously perform the breathing in four parts. Typically, you would be holding your breath longer than the actual breathing but be comfortable in these exercises.
Close your eyes and begin Breathing gently, quietly.
Concentrate on your breath and the movement of the energy:
As you breathe in, feel energy rising
• Men, from the base of your spine, up the back of your spine, over the top of your head, down the front of your body to the perineum, then back up in a circular fashion.
• Women, up the front of your body, over the top of your head, down the back of your spine, to your perineum, them back up in the circular fashion
• Note: try both ways and use the cycle that feels natural to you.
With the inbreath, feel the energy rising to the top of your head.
At the crown of your head, HOLD for a moment.
With the outbreath, feel the energy gently descending on its own to the perineum.
At the perineum, HOLD for a moment.
Repeat the four-part breathing in this exercise for SEVEN breath cycles. As you get used to this exercise, you can increase the number of breaths, as is comfortable.
If you begin to feel lightheaded, STOP, open your eyes, and breathe normally.
Dr. Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.
Dr. Richard Jelusich is a gifted intuitive spiritual counselor/energy healer, author, teacher, experienced international speaker, and ordained minister. With over 34 years in the field of spirituality and the study of metaphysics, he now dedicates his life to those on a quest for self-empowerment through education, demystifying metaphysics and assisting individuals to honor their natural gifts and inner truths.