Have you ever wondered that if you knew what is the root cause of your challenge, you’d be able to more fully address it? This is what Bamboo Garden Wellness Center is all about – creating a greater awareness in …
Human Potential
When we think of human potential, what comes to mind? In life, it seems our greatest desires are to know that we are productive and what we do has relevance and meaning. We tend to observe life through egocentric (where …
Artificial Intelligence and Human Beings
Ever since I was a little boy in the 1950’s robots and science fiction fascinated me. Later when watching the original “Star Trek” TV series, little did I know that many of those crazy devices (universal translator, McCoy’s medical devices, …
The Power of Subtle Energy
We are living in a wonderous age of discovery. Science is validating what mystics and yogis have been saying about the true nature of our being: that we are spirit and physical simultaneously. There is merit in being skeptical, and …
Facing the Sunrise
We live in an age surrounded by a cacophony of swirling changes and rapid developments: politics, health, conflicts, social changes, climate, environment, the merging of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) into every aspect of our lives, and so on. And such …
Subtle Energy and Integral Health
Subtle Energy and Integral Health – these are very popular terms in alternative medicine. It is interesting to me because I view it as mainstream to who and what we really are – multidimensional beings. It seems, begrudgingly, that the …