Taking Time for Your Self

Richard JelusichBlog


Time for Self Reflection

The Importance of
Taking Time for Your Self”

For many, this holiday season has been punctuated by even more frenetic energy of shopping, weather, family interaction and the many demands of today’s living.
In the context of spirituality, there is a lot of ‘ungroundedness’ going on! People like myself who study ancient cultures, the signs of our times and the cosmology of the human being know that this ‘era’ is a time of the ‘great purification’ as the Hopi indigenous people put it.

Esoterically, there really is a shift in consciousness happening that for many is most unsettling; causing us to constantly adjust to the moving average of being stable and grounded in the midst of many such diverse and challenging energies.

Therefore, it is in our best interest if we truly are to grow spiritually, that we back it up a little bit, and refocus on the essentials – moving one step at a time with deliberateness than several steps at a time with only a vague awareness of the depth of this planetary shift.

REALLY reassess what is important right now, and have really good filters as to what you are allowing into your already busy life. Without your spirituality at the center, there can be a ton of wasted motion and anxiety and feelings of ineffectiveness.

The shift is real: it is happening. Stay incredibly grounded, focused and centered. The bonus is that the people around you will have the same opportunity to do so because you have chosen to. When you are quiet on the inside, that is when the Creator is known to you, and you’ll know inner peace.