Spring. A season in the cycle of life where that which has been saved/conserved is ready to burst forth to become what it was meant to be. There is an endless cycle in the seasons of our lives, similar to …
The Nature of Balance
All things in balance: we all seek to be so in all aspects of our lives. When things are out of balance, we can experience suffering, whether it is one or more of the four archetypes of the whole human …
Representation Through Relationship
If you want to be a better golfer, hang out with really good golfers. Not only do you learn from their expertise and wisdom, you’ve an expanding framework to continue to improve your game. This is an example of like …
Is it by chance that we attract the people we do in life, whether friends, family, work? Or is there something else happening in a much more subtle way? Something that is beyond the physical nature of our being but …
Our Connections to Life
We think of our connectedness to each other on many levels; intimate, social, familial, parental, work and so on. Those connections do exist on many levels of course and are thought to be mostly physical and emotional. The same can …
Love is Our Foundation
February and Valentine’s Day are synonymous with love. There are a number of stories related to Saint Valentine of Rome who was imprisoned for ministering to Christians persecuted under the Roman Empire in the third century. He was said to …