Integrative Chakra Therapy® or ICT is a form of subtle energy medicine that is the most powerful form of accessing the true spiritual nature of the human being that I know of. This is because in my 30+ years of …
Winter Solstice
The Winter Solstice this year is on December 21, 2023. The day marks the middle of a 3-day period when the sun is at its most southward course before it begins its return journey northwards. For you and I in …
Book Review – Eye of the Lotus
Eye of the Lotus: Psychology of the Chakras is a book of observations about the seven chakras of the human biofield and how they really work. It is meant to be a deep exploration into how our chakras affect the …
Chakras 101: The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
(For much deeper information and guidance, read “Eye of the Lotus: Psychology of the Chakras). These examinations of the chakras are the results of my 30-plus years of research and spiritual consultations. The crown chakra is located at the top …
Chakras 101: The Brow Chakra (Ajna)
(For much deeper information and guidance, read “Eye of the Lotus: Psychology of the Chakras). These examinations of the chakras are the results of my 30-plus years of research and spiritual consultations. The brow chakra is located on the forehead, …
Chakras 101: The Heart Chakra (Anahata)
(For much deeper information and guidance, read “Eye of the Lotus: Psychology of the Chakras). These examinations of the chakras are the results of my 30-plus years of research and spiritual consultations. The Sanskrit name for the heart chakra is …