Trae Ashlie-Garen

Trae Ashlie-Garen

Richard JelusichGraduates

Trae Ashlie-Garen

A Conduit for information about how we learn as human beings, Trae shares her gifts in a way that assists all of us to understand more of what it means to be “present” to ourselves and the needs of our world; to connect our thoughts and feelings with authentic action; and to truly learn what it means to cooperate with each other, and be in community.

An Intuitive Conduit, Knowledge Management Strategist, Belief Re-Patterning Practitioner, Executive Coach / Facilitator, and Faculty Member at Creating the Future, Trae is currently conducting Sessions (One-on-One, with Couples, Groups, and Boards) Online throughout Canada and Abroad.

Graduation: 2013

Intuitive Conduit, Knowledge Management Strategist, Belief Re-Patterning Practitioner, Executive Coach/Facilitator, and Faculty Member at Creating the Future.

Calgary, Alberta Canada

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Email : [email protected]