
Letting Go, Forgiveness

Richard JelusichBlog

Letting go and forgiveness is very much like using the power of the free will to choose which karma to attach to. Only sometimes, we don’t know what to take hold of and what to let go. How do you …

Marie Gelinas Giles

Richard JelusichGraduates

Passionate about health at all levels, I have been on a fun and exciting journey of discovery. What I did not realize at the start was that this personal exploration would lead to a rewarding career. For the past Richard …

Tarot Workshop

Richard JelusichBlog

Dr. Richard Jelusich has been teaching the Tarot since the 1990’s. He has an unusual, simple and effective method of teaching that results in 100% success! How to measure success? Students read for each other during the course of the …

Bev Wein

Bev Wein

Richard JelusichGraduates

Bev, a mother of three and grandmother of one, comes from a life-long passion of connecting with  nature and it’s wisdom and country living. Inspired by the natural world, Bev pursued a career in the natural and complimentary Richard JelusichDr. Richard …

Trae Ashlie-Garen

Trae Ashlie-Garen

Richard JelusichGraduates

A Conduit for information about how we learn as human beings, Trae shares her gifts in a way that assists all of us to understand more of what it means to be “present” to ourselves and the needs of our world; …

Linda Strom-Medvitz

Richard JelusichGraduates

Linda Graduated from Healer’s Training For The Whole Human Being, a two and half year course in Qualitative Healer’s Training, on January 12, 2008 taught by Dr. Jelusich Ph.D. She later became the Assistant to Richard JelusichDr. Richard Jelusich is a …