The Chakras consist of seven energy centers first documented in the Hindu Vedas over 3700 years ago
Understanding “Peak Performance”
Every generation has its buzzwords, and one that is prevalent today is “peak performance.” This term often appears in the context of wellness centers, where it is used as an incentive for individuals to strive for their best. As the …
Life Coach – Therapy – ICT
What are the differences and how to know which one to use What if there is an interesting technique that could be a shortcut to spiritual awakening? What if healing were easier than you’ve been led to believe? In over …
Sept 2019 Newsletter:
Hello! It has been a busy, active summer. We’ve some great events coming in Calgary and San Diego, as well as new Healer’s Training in Integrative Chakra Therapy starting soon! Please read on! Dr. Richard Jelusich Events for Calgary September …
Astral Travel
I know that most of us have heard of astral travel – have you done so? It is the ability to move, with awareness, beyond the confines of your physical body and to travel with great freedom in the spiritual …
Integrative Chakra Therapy®
Integrative Chakra Therapy® has been recognized as a particularly powerful form of energy medicine. ICT works on the level of ‘chakra energy’ regarded as “PSI” energy (beyond time and space). Typically, the PSI energy in the chakras is converted to …